Heard from the doc
and now Im really puzzled! Everything was normal!! But they are following up with a bariatric surgeon. Mine has moved on so I will need a new referral. I was reading last night where these kinks in the bowel can come and go, in and out like a telescope. Im going to mention that to him. Meanwhile, I still hurt...:/

Thanks for letting us know...you seem to be a medical puzzle. Unkinked, there's no evidence except you hurt....Did they tell you to take mostly liquids and soups or mushy food for a while ? Hope your pain subsides and it doesn't happen again before you talk to your new bariatric surgeon and get clarity.
WTH???????? So they just told you to go to your WLS...that stinks!!!!!! Well good luck finding one that will take you on!!! When I moved to Ohio I went to an INTERNEST that was up on Gastric By Pass people...she was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! Might look into one of those drs if you can't find a WLS to take you!!!!
Keep us posted and GOOD LUCK!!! Thoughts and Prayers!!!!!
My old WLS doctor is the head of trauma at another hospital in the area now, but he had another one that attended that is still at the hospital where I had the surgery. I told them his name so they are making me an appointment. They are supposed to call me back and let me know when, they are very concerned and are the same hospital organization where I had my original surgery.
Its all just so frustrating. My friends and husband all saw me in tears Saturday night so they know something is going on. Oh well,,everything happens for a reason. We shall see...
Thanks for the advice,,Ill keep it in mind if I cant get in to see the surgeon.